Hello friends
I am Danger Shobha
From Bihar State of India.
I live in the village.
I Love all human being and all creation of God!!!!!
Proude to be a Village woman.
On this channel I share my life with you guys.
And yes
I come live everyday at 10:30 AM and 9:30 PM. So kindly join my live stream. And we will talk each other.
Subscriber achievement
1K = 01 /05/2022
3K = 22/02/2023
6K= 27/07/2023
Follow me on :-
Instagram- dangershobha
Facebook page - Danger Shobha
Twitter- Danger Shobha
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Device- Samsung Glaxy A6 (4GB RAM, 64GB storage)
For sponsorship & business inquiry :-
Jai Hind
Vande Mataram