🌹Hazrat Maulaana Fayyaaz Ahmad Zarroo Saahib Daamat Barkaatuhu 🌹
Channel | 80 followers
*||The Voice For Social Reform and Peace||*
*Spiritual Lectures of Hazrat Maulana Fayyaaz Ahmad Zarroo Saahib Daamat Barakaatuhumul Aaliyah ! The Renowned Scholar and Social Reformer of Kashmir Valley*
*“Humsafar Radio Class” is an invaluable speech of a Great Social Reformer-cum-Islaamic Scholar of Kashmir Valley, Esteemed Hazrat Maulana Muhtaram Fayyaaz Ahmad Zarroo Sahib (Daamat-Barakatuhum), about social evils and its reforms.*
*His speech is being broadcast on the primary channel of All India Radio Srinagar (J&K India) every Tuesday & Friday at 8:45 am at the frequency of Medium wave=(268.81 MHz), Short wave=(49.10 MHz) & FM=(103.50 MHz), online portal of All India Radio, Srinagar, Mobile app =(AIR & Humsafar), Satellite service =(DTH), Social Networking Handles Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook & on Official Website.*
*This hugely popular radio broadcast is being sponsored by Humsafar Marriage Counselling Cell (HMCC) Srinagar Kashmir. Producer & Director of this most popular radio broadcast is Mr. Saleem Aijaaz Kapra Sahib.*
*The program is currently on air with effect from 02-September-2011.The century episode of the program was broadcast on 27.12.2013, and the program completed its 770th episode on 07.11.2023 with hats off from all quarters of society.*
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*Telegram* *https://t.me/joinchat/RxlZGxJ5Htlilk3u*