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Our content comes from writers in-house and readers all over the world who share experiences, recipes, tips and tricks on home remedies for health, tech, finance and education.
We feature new talent and businesses in Trinidad and Tobago in all areas including food, photography, videography, music, art, literature and crafts. Submissions and press releases are welcomed. Send to contact@sweettntmagazine.com.
Contact us about marketing
Send us an email at contact@sweettntmagazine.com to discuss marketing and advertising needs with Sweet TnT Magazine. Request our media kit to choose the package that suits you.
About our publication
Sweet TnT Magazine was launched in 2009 as both a printed and digital publication based on the positive culture of Trinidad and Tobago. It is currently a website that covers topics relevant to the global community.
It is published by Culturama Publishing Company located in San Juan, Trinidad. Directors are Joyanne James and Jevan Soyer.
About our books
We have published books that are available on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing since 2019. Two of the books, Sweet TnT 100 West Indian Recipes and Sweet TnT Short Stories, are in commemoration of the 10-year anniversary of Sweet TnT Magazine from 2009-2019.
Our 2022 series of 10 books called Improve Spelling and Reading is available on Amazon in both e-book and paperback formats. These educational resources support the content we provide on our website Study Zone Institute. They are AI Stories, EA Stories, EE Stories, EI Stories, EY Stories, IE Stories, OA Stories, OO Stories, OU Stories and OW Stories that are all having their own fun with words.