Aham Brahmasmi - Vedanta | Spirituality | Sanatana Dharma| Sringeri Guru Parampara | Adi Shankara
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The guiding lights of this medium are *traditional scholars* taught directly by *Mahamahopadyayas & Asthana Vidwans* of *Sringeri Sharada Peetham*. Join the *50,000+* family of Aham Brahmasmi, which has a strong presence across social media viz https://twitter.com/AhammBrahmaasmihttps://www.facebook.com/AhamBrahmaasmi.Orghttps://www.youtube.com/c/AhamBrahmaasmi
The Advaita philosophy enshrined in the Upanishads has been graced to the various types of the seeking community by the World Preceptor Sri Adi Shankaracharya Bhagavatpada. 'Aham Brahmasmi' is a medium created with a view to share the contents of the Advaita Vedanta literature that is available in a huge corpus built up over the centuries by many Acharyas.
Aham Brahmasmi has been disseminating golden sayings of Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada and Sringeri Guru Parampara from many years. In July 2023, AB received the blessings & guidance of Sri Sannidhanam to conduct Vedanta Retreats in multiple languages at Sringeri & in other locations.
*Contact:* mail@ahambrahmaasmi.org