The home of Captivating fiction.
🌟 Traditional Publisher
🌟 Enchanting Stories
🌟 World of Imagination
Founded in January 2020, Shabdgaatha Media Publishers Pvt. Ltd. is an independent traditional publishing house based in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra with a national scope and deep regional roots. Our focus has been on popular fiction with innovative and varied approaches. If we specialize in anything, it’s in finding superb writing and giving it the attention, it deserves.
That attention manifests itself in careful, collaborative editing and a fierce commitment to the dignity of the book and its reader. Shabdgaatha titles are original paperbacks. Our books offer qualities. The writing is meant to last; so is the book.
We are completely dedicated to each of our authors, and work hands on with authors and media contacts in order to give every book the best start in life. We’re always looking for ways to reach a larger audience, embracing more recent mediums such as eBooks and audio books. We strive to extend our reach into the new, modern age of publishing.
शब्दगाथा® लोक साहित्य के लिए एक अभिनव पहल है। इसके माध्यम से हिंदी में स्तरीय मौलिक लोक साहित्य का प्रचार प्रसार किया जायेगा। शब्दगाथा में हमारा उद्देश्य न केवल स्थानीय भाषाओं का लोक साहित्य विशेषकर जासूसी, रहस्य तथा अपराध कथा साहित्य, बल्कि विश्व कथा साहित्य को भी अनूदित माध्यम से हिंदी पाठकों को सुलभ कराना हैl