Radio Bukalanga 100.9FM:Community Radio Station in Bukalanga.
Channel | 940 followers
*Mawhi etjaba, pfumbila kwetjaba.*
Our vision is that of an informed and progressive community whose voice is heard and meaningfully participates in its own development while celebrating its culture.
Our mission is to amplify community voices for community development. We enhance access to information, promote meaningful public participation and harness community voices, languages and cultures while cultivating and developing the local creative industry.
At Radio Bukalanga, we are guided by the following values:
Excellence: We seek to achieve excellence and be a ‘model’ community radio station recognised for our standard of excellence in all aspects of community broadcasting.
Independence: We strive each day to be independent voice for Bulilima-Mangwe communities, independent from political and business influence and interests. We will be an intelligent, alternative voice for the grass-roots issues and stories that are important to our community.
Diversity and Inclusiveness: Radio Bukalanga operational areas have a rich diversity of communities, cultures, languages, interest groups and key populations. We will always recognise, incorporate and promote diversity and inclusion in all aspect of the community radio. Our programming enhances equal access to opportunities and spaces for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as rural communities, women, youth, people with disability, and minorities.
Creativity and Innovation: We endeavour to understand the needs of its community and its listening habits and strive to ensure content and its delivery most effectively reach and engage the community. We explore and apply creative ideas that continuously enable us to adapt to changing contexts and leverage on new developments to remain agile.
Trustworthy: We develop and deliver credible, trusted, honest, reliable programs and content. We continuously strive to be a dependable and predictable organisation to our stakeholders, partners, members and the general public.