Ecumenical Church Leaders Forum is a faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to a peaceful, just and democratic society which values the dignity and sanctity of human life for all which was formed in 2008 as a grouping of concerned Christian leaders from the major ecumenical bodies including the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC), Zimbabwe Catholics Bishop’s Conference (ZCBC), Union of the Development of Apostolic Churches in Zimbabwe and Africa (UDACIZA) and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ), who felt the need to meaningfully intervene in contemporary social, economic and political issues affecting the people. Later, registered as a Trust according to the laws of Zimbabwe in August 2010. The church leadership had various consultations and reflected on the practical role of the church in the context of a critical environment with political and socio-economic conditions that had left a hurting and traumatized nation. Our organization has been serving a broad spectrum of audience including church leaders, both clergy and lay-persons, local community leaders, traditional leaders, Government ministries and departments, agencies, women, men, boys, and people with disabilities for more than fifteen (15) years implementing the flagship program, Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution, Transformation and Healing (CPMRTH) which is a holistic and multi-faceted approach to peace building. ECLFs work is firmly entrenched in the Contextual Theological Reflections Approach, The Gender Transformative Approach, The Preventive Diplomacy Approach, The IEP Positive Peace Framework, Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Approach and the Action Learning Model with focus on reducing and minimizing the adverse impacts of key conflict drivers and enhancing social cohesion in both rural and urban communities.