Hello, friends, I'm @flaverflower on Instagram.
I'm here to share my art. The art that I shared here is free to use by everyone both for commercial and personal use but everyone must give me proper credit if they want to publish a project containing my art.
Credit structures:
Just include my name (not username, since I tend to use different usernames on different social media) on your project with a proper context. 😁
For example:
If you made a video with my artwork (example: a picture of a cat) on it, just say on the description. "The cat picture at 04:06 is made by Flaver." (no need to provide the link to any of my social media but feel free to do so).
If you're not sure how to credit me properly, please reach me at my phone number given on Instagram bio. You can give new artwork ideas for me to create too! But please don't ask me to draw copyrighted or illegal materials. I don't want to face any legal problems. Thanks for your understanding.
Hope you enjoy my art~
All artwork list: https://gratis-puppet-134.notion.site/Flaver-Artwork-Collection-14c20069d0368086ad71e5a050183bc2?pvs=4