The official whatsapp channel for the IUAA T&F 2025. You will find here all event updates, announcements, start lists and results.
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Event Details
Date: Friday 11th & Saturday 12th April 2025
Venue: Morton Stadium, Santry
Overview: This is a normally a two day Intervarsity Championship open to all members. The hosting of the event is rotated between member colleges every year. The event is usually held in April. The trophies are presented at the Intervarsity Awards & Meal event, which is held that evening in a local hotel. Each college can enter up to three undergraduate / postgraduate students and two 'one year down' athlete in each event. Only two athletes per college can score points. The first six eligiable athletes in each event score points for their college. The college with the highest points score wins. The Combined Event Championships are held in conjunction with this championship.