How to archive or unarchive a chat or group
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You can hide an individual or group chat from your chats list to better organize your conversations.
Archive an individual or group chat
- Hover over the individual or group chat you want to archive, then click .
- Click Archive chat.
View archived individual or group chats
At the top of your chats, click Archived.
Unarchive an individual or group chat
You can access your archived chats and decide to unarchive a chat at any time.
- Type the contact name or group subject in the search bar at the top of the Chats tab.
- Alternatively, click Archived above your chats list.
- Hover over the individual or group chat you want to unarchive, then click > Unarchive chat.
- Archiving a chat doesn’t delete the chat or back it up.
- When you receive a new message in an archived chat, the chat remains archived by default, unless Keep chats archived is turned off on your phone.
- You won't receive notifications for archived chats unless you're mentioned or replied to. You can’t adjust notifications for archived chats.
- The number next to Archived shows how many individual or group chats have unread messages.
- An @ symbol shows next to Archived when someone has replied to or mentioned you in an archived group chat.