London, UK
Facebook's mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. Through our family of apps and services, we're building a different kind of company that connects billions of people around the world, gives them ways to share what matters most to them, and helps bring people closer together. Whether we're creating new products or helping a small business expand its reach, people at Facebook are builders at heart. Our global teams are constantly iterating, solving problems, and working together to empower people around the world to build community and connect in meaningful ways. Together, we can help people build stronger communities - we're just getting started.
WhatsApp is seeking a highly motivated and versatile team player to serve as Lead Counsel, Product. The role requires experience in applying complex, evolving legal frameworks to new and innovative products and services and influencing compliance and regulatory strategy with other legal teams across Meta. In this role, you will focus on supporting WhatsApp consumer initiatives across a number of products and services. You will have the skills to work proactively and independently with various teams across the organization, including Product, Engineering, Policy, Communications and Marketing, and have experience advising on product risks in a fast-paced business environment with a rapidly-evolving legal and regulatory landscape.
Drive and support high-profile and high-impact projects involving legal analysis and compliance with cross-functional stakeholders across WhatsApp’s business, policy, legal, communications, security, and other cross-functional teams, covering many subject areas, including consumer and data protection laws and regulations
Oversee outside counsel relationships
Lead across and coordinate with public policy and communications colleagues on external communication, policy development, and enforcement decisions
Help to set, implement and improve the strategy and vision for advising and partnering with business teams
Directly manage client relationships with the business
Meta requires all employed attorneys to have a law degree or equivalent certificate to permit the practice of law and be appropriately licensed and authorized to practice law for the company in their assigned work location. Unless prohibited under local law, an attorney must hold a current practicing certificate (including where required from the relevant authority in the jurisdiction of the assigned work location) or the local law equivalent bar registration or license as may be applicable.
5+ years of legal experience
Experience advising clients on risk mitigation across technology product platforms
Experience in product counseling role, building and supporting products
Experience working independently and cross-functionally
Experience prioritizing work and providing advice in a fast-paced environment
Proven problem-solving, communication and interpersonal skills
Solicitor or barrister (qualified to practice law in at least one European jurisdiction or the UK)
8+ years of legal experience
Prior in-house experience at a technology company, preferably with a focus on messaging, AI, and growth products in the direct to consumer space
Privacy experience, including familiarity with international data protection frameworks
WhatsApp je ponosen, da je delodajalec, ki kandidatom zagotavlja enake možnosti in enakopravnost v zaposlovanju. Ne izvajamo diskriminacije na podlagi rase, vere, barve kože, narodnosti, spola (vključno z nosečnostjo, rojstvom otrok, odločitvami, povezanimi z reproduktivnim zdravjem, ali podobnimi zdravstvenimi stanji), spolne usmerjenosti, spolne identitete, spolnega izraza, starosti, statusa zaščitenega veterana, statusa posameznika z invalidnostjo, genetskih podatkov, političnih prepričanj ali dejavnosti ali drugih zakonsko zaščitenih značilnosti. Naše obvestilo o enakih možnostih zaposlovanja si lahko ogledate tukaj. Obravnavali bomo tudi prijave oseb s kriminalno preteklostjo v skladu z veljavno zvezno, državno in lokalno zakonodajo. Vaše podatke bomo morda uporabili za ohranjanje varnosti in zaščite družbe Facebook, njenih zaposlenih in drugih, kot to zahteva in dovoljuje zakon. Pravilnik o preglednosti plačil in obvestilo »Enake možnosti zaposlovanja so zakon« družbe Facebook najdete s klikom na ustrezne povezave. Poleg tega WhatsApp na določenih lokacijah sodeluje v programu E-Verify, kot to zahteva zakon.
WhatsApp je v postopku pridobivanja novincev zavezan zagotavljanju smiselnih prilagoditev za kandidate z invalidnostmi. Če potrebujete pomoč ali prilagoditve zaradi invalidnosti, nam to sporočite na