London, UK
Facebook's mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. Through our family of apps and services, we're building a different kind of company that connects billions of people around the world, gives them ways to share what matters most to them, and helps bring people closer together. Whether we're creating new products or helping a small business expand its reach, people at Facebook are builders at heart. Our global teams are constantly iterating, solving problems, and working together to empower people around the world to build community and connect in meaningful ways. Together, we can help people build stronger communities - we're just getting started.
Our work aims to understand the people who will use our products, gleaning insights to drive product direction and strategy. Our methods range from generative to evaluative, ethnography to experimentation, and involve close collaboration between researchers and our cross-functional partners. As we scale the team, we're looking for teammates with a range of expertise from specialists to methodological generalists, with skills in qualitative and quantitative research methods. For this position, we are looking for experienced researchers with skills in behavioural data analysis, experimental design, survey research, statistics, and a range of qualitative research methods. The right candidates will be effective communicators, knowledgeable about product development and design, curious about the relationship between technology and society, comfortable in a fast-moving organization, excited to collaborate, and passionate about understanding and helping people. If this sounds like you, come join us as we work to solve complex and meaningful problems for people around the world!
Work closely with product teams to identify important research questions.
Design and execute studies that address both user behavior and attitudes, using the right methodology for the right questions.
Generate insights that shape how product teams think about medium and long-term product strategy.
Write, design, and distribute surveys, interpret response effects and navigate factors influencing response rate.
Conduct research using a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methods, and interpret analysis through the lens of UX, HCI, and social science.
Collaborate closely with other researchers on the team with expertise in a broad range of methods.
Partner with design, product management, data science, content strategy, engineering, marketing, and other technical roles to conduct and share research.
Act as a thought leader in the domain of research, while advocating for the people who could use our products
2+ years of experience in applied quantitative and qualitative product research.
Bachelors, Masters, or PhD in human behaviour related fields (Computer Science, HCI, Experimental Psychology, Sociology, Information Science, Economics, Political Science, Mathematics, etc.).
Experience in creating a research plan including logical formulation of a research hypothesis.
Experience with applied statistics and understanding of descriptive statistics including correlation, T-test, and regressions.
Expertise in questionnaire drafting and design, including structure, length, logic, question types, best practices, and sampling/bias correction.
Experience with a range of qualitative methods including but not limited to interviews, contextual inquiry, concept testing, and diary studies.
Capacity to ask, as well as answer product and user experience related questions.
Demonstrated experience of communicating research results to cross-functional stakeholders with data storytelling, presentation slides, and storytelling.
Experience with translating data to strategic implications for the business.
Experience with handling complex information and adapting to a changing environment.
Experience with practical application of research skills in a business setting.
Experience developing tracking surveys.
Experience querying large behavioural datasets.
WhatsApp je ponosen, da je delodajalec, ki kandidatom zagotavlja enake možnosti in enakopravnost v zaposlovanju. Ne izvajamo diskriminacije na podlagi rase, vere, barve kože, narodnosti, spola (vključno z nosečnostjo, rojstvom otrok, odločitvami, povezanimi z reproduktivnim zdravjem, ali podobnimi zdravstvenimi stanji), spolne usmerjenosti, spolne identitete, spolnega izraza, starosti, statusa zaščitenega veterana, statusa posameznika z invalidnostjo, genetskih podatkov, političnih prepričanj ali dejavnosti ali drugih zakonsko zaščitenih značilnosti. Naše obvestilo o enakih možnostih zaposlovanja si lahko ogledate tukaj. Obravnavali bomo tudi prijave oseb s kriminalno preteklostjo v skladu z veljavno zvezno, državno in lokalno zakonodajo. Vaše podatke bomo morda uporabili za ohranjanje varnosti in zaščite družbe Facebook, njenih zaposlenih in drugih, kot to zahteva in dovoljuje zakon. Pravilnik o preglednosti plačil in obvestilo »Enake možnosti zaposlovanja so zakon« družbe Facebook najdete s klikom na ustrezne povezave. Poleg tega WhatsApp na določenih lokacijah sodeluje v programu E-Verify, kot to zahteva zakon.
WhatsApp je v postopku pridobivanja novincev zavezan zagotavljanju smiselnih prilagoditev za kandidate z invalidnostmi. Če potrebujete pomoč ali prilagoditve zaradi invalidnosti, nam to sporočite na